Monday, July 30, 2012

FInd how much we have allocated in each FIlegroup

Here is the script that will provide the available/consumed space in each file group. By using this script we can get the total size of each file group and how much we have allocated in each file group. Test this script in DWV/QA environment and run in production (If required).

-- Find the total size of each Filegroup

select data_space_id, (sum(size)*8)/1000 as total_size_MB
into #filegroups
from sys.database_files
group by data_space_id
order by data_space_id

-- FInd how much we have allocated in each FIlegroup

select, au.data_space_id
, (sum(au.total_pages) * 8)/1000 as Allocated_MB
, (sum(au.used_pages) * 8)/1000 as used_MB
, (sum(au.data_pages) * 8)/1000 as Data_MB
, ((sum(au.total_pages) - sum(au.used_pages) ) * 8 )/1000 as Free_MB
into #Allocations
from sys.allocation_units as au inner join sys.data_spaces as ds
on au.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
group by, au.data_space_id
order by au.data_space_id

-- Get the Required output

select f.data_space_id
, f.total_size_MB
, a.allocated_MB
, f.total_size_MB - a.allocated_MB as free_in_fg_MB
, a.used_MB
, a.data_MB
, a.Free_MB
from #filegroups as f inner join #allocations as a
on f.data_space_id = a.data_space_id
order by f.data_space_id

drop table #allocations
drop table #filegroups

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