Query to Determine Current Space Utilization
is the script to determine space used by each database. This includes path of
data and log file, database names, used space and free space. This will also provide total database count in
the server and total space available in each and every drive. I found this
script very useful as a quick look of the space utilization.
following query I use every day to monitor the space on my servers. If I found
any issues, I can dig more and get the root cause. Following could be reason of
log file growth though:
Incorrect recovery models.
TempDB full3. Not a good capacity planning
4. Too many indexes
Set NoCount On
--Check to see the temp table exists
IF EXISTS ( SELECT Name FROM tempdb..sysobjects Where name like '%HoldforEachDB%' )
--If So Drop it
DROP TABLE #HoldforEachDB_size
--Recreate it
CREATE TABLE #HoldforEachDB_size
([DatabaseName] [nvarchar](75) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[Size] [decimal] NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](75) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[Filename] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
IF EXISTS ( SELECT name FROM tempdb..sysobjects Where name like '%fixed_drives%' )
--If So Drop it
DROP TABLE #fixed_drives
--Recreate it
CREATE TABLE #fixed_drives
([Drive] [char](1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[MBFree] [decimal] NOT NULL
--Insert rows
from sp_MSForEachDB into temp table
INSERT INTO #HoldforEachDB_size
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'Select
''?'' as DatabaseName, CaseWhen [?]..sysfiles.size * 8 / 1024 = 0 Then 1 Else
[?]..sysfiles.size * 8 / 1024 End
AS size,[?]..sysfiles.name,
[?]..sysfiles.filename From [?]..sysfiles'
--Select all
rows from temp table (the temp table will auto delete when the connection is
INSERT INTO #fixed_drives
xp_fixeddrivesSelect @@Servername
print '' ;
rtrim(Cast(DatabaseName as varchar(75))) as DatabaseName,
Cast(Size as int) AS Size,
Cast(MBFree as varchar(10)) as MB_Free
from #HoldforEachDB_size
INNER JOIN #fixed_drives ON
LEFT(#HoldforEachDB_size.Filename, 1) = #fixed_drives.Drive
GROUP BY DatabaseName,Drive,MBFree,Filename,Cast(Size as int)
ORDER BY Drive,Size Desc
print '' ;
Drive as [Total Data Space Used |],
Cast(Sum(Size) as varchar(10)) as [Total Size],Cast(MBFree as varchar(10)) as MB_Free
from #HoldforEachDB_size
INNER JOIN #fixed_drives ON
LEFT(#HoldforEachDB_size.Filename, 1) = #fixed_drives.Drive
Group by Drive,MBFree
print '' ;
count(Distinct rtrim(Cast(DatabaseName as varchar(75)))) as
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